Our Team

Dr. Carroll-Wray

Specializations: ADHD, ASD, Anxiety & HSP’s

Clients: Kids, Teens, Families, Parents & Young Women

Dr. C-W is a licensed clinical psychologist. She offers comprehensive psychological evaluations when appropriate (ex. ASD, ADHD) as well as ongoing therapy. Her therapeutic style is heavily influenced by humanistic, family systems, and cognitive-behavioral theories. All philosophically share the beliefs that people are a) inherently good b) doing their best with the tools that they have c) benefit from challenging unhelpful patterns. She’s a good fit for clients with big thoughts, bigger feelings, and enormous hearts.


Rachel McCarron, LCSW

Specializations: ADHD, ASD, Learning Problems & Anxiety

Clients: Kids, Teens & Young Women

Rachel McCarron is a licensed clinical social worker. Her background is in school counseling, and typically her clients have a range of needs in the home/school environment. She aims to tailor achievable goals that can be beneficial for all of her client’s relationships (home, school/work and everywhere else). She leans heavily on cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness techniques to help her client’s have the tools to be confident in myriad of environments.

Guided meditation.

A 3-minute relaxation break to help with night-time anxiety and falling asleep.