Go with the Flow: A Yoga Curriculum for Elementary Schoolers
This curriculum was designed for children who have autism spectrum disorder. It is intended to support occupational therapists, classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, mental healthcare providers, parents and more. The interventions and approach included are inclusive of neurodiversity, but are helpful for all children. Feel free to contact Dr. Carroll-Wray for more information with questions about implementing this program.
This curriculum was designed for children who have autism spectrum disorder. It is intended to support occupational therapists, classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, mental healthcare providers, parents and more. The interventions and approach included are inclusive of neurodiversity, but are helpful for all children. Feel free to contact Dr. Carroll-Wray for more information with questions about implementing this program.
This curriculum was designed for children who have autism spectrum disorder. It is intended to support occupational therapists, classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, mental healthcare providers, parents and more. The interventions and approach included are inclusive of neurodiversity, but are helpful for all children. Feel free to contact Dr. Carroll-Wray for more information with questions about implementing this program.
The program includes:
-Customize-able sensory diet questionnaires
-Environmental recommendations for setting up a “yogic classroom”
-Monthly themes with corresponding activities
-Printable yoga card “deck”
-Daily breath, meditation and movement based games/activities
-Yoga for teachers (including chair yoga)
-Ongoing Functional Behavioral Analysis